There are many ways to manage challenging situations. One approach is to follow your principles, translate these into practice and do your best to get positive results.
Different people follow this approach in different Read more
There are many ways to manage challenging situations. One approach is to follow your principles, translate these into practice and do your best to get positive results. Different people follow this approach in different Read more This article focuses on how you can continue to be the best you can be. Read more This article looks at how people can get the right balance between creativity, customers and cash. Read more Imagine you lead a team. This piece looks at how you can get the best from adrenaline driven people. Read more Different people express themselves in different ways. They way they do this can have consequences for both themselves and other people. Looking at professional work situations, for example: Some people have a professional filter Read more There are many ways to work. Some people reach a point where they make a decision regarding their chosen way forward. Some may choose to follow the marvellous work approach rather than the ever-expanding Read more There are many ways to live life. Some people aim to serve something greater than themselves. They may aim to serve their loved ones, a spiritual faith, a purpose, a vocation or something else Read more This article focuses on what you can and can’t expect from a particular culture. Read more This piece looks at the importance of contracting with yourself before contracting with other people. Read more This piece focuses on how great workers are often committed to the core values of their craft. Read more |
Site by Mike Pegg, 2025.