The Natural Talent, Knowledge And Nous Approach

This piece describes how you can help a person to develop their natural talent, add knowledge and also add nous. Read more

The Person Writing Questions You Can Ask To Find Out More About Them Approach

This pieces describes an exercises in which a person writes five questions you can ask to find out more about them. Read more

The Follow Up Questions Approach To Finding Out More About A Person

This article describes how you can find out more about a person by using the follow up questions approach. Read more

The Positive Achiever Approach

This post looks at how positive achievers sometimes aim to find a sense of peace. Read more

The Words We Use Can Shape The Feelings We Have Approach

This piece looks at how the words we use can shape the feelings we have. Read more

The Special Work Approach

This piece looks at how people can go through the stages of doing the solid work, doing superb work and then doing special work. Read more

The Positive Work Approach Rather Than The Paralysed By Worry Approach

There are many ways to live life. This post describes how people can follow the positive work approach rather than the paralysed by worry approach. Read more

The Predicting How A Person Will Probably Behave In A Future Situation Approach

This piece explores how it is possible to predict how a person will behave in a future situation. Read more

The Continuous Development Approach

This piece looks at how a person can continue to develop by focusing on the themes of caring, clarity, consistently high standards and concrete results. Read more

The Core Principles Approach Rather Than The Comparison Approach

This post focuses on how people can choose to follow their core principles approach or the comparison approach in their lives and work. Read more