The Positive Scripting Approach

This piece looks at how people can choose to follow positive scripts or negative scripts. Read more

The Positive Patterns Approach

This piece looks at how you can pass on positive patterns that people can follow to achieve their goals. Read more

The Measured Approach Rather Than The Melodramatic Approach

This pieces describes how people can choose to follow the measured approach rather than the melodramatic approach. Read more

The Making Use Of Your Good Fortune Approach

This piece describes how people can make good use of their good fortune. Read more

The Future Press Release Approach

There are many ways to set goals. This piece describes how you can do this by writing a future press release. Read more

The Opportunities Approach

This piece looks at how people focus on the opportunities in situations. Read more

The Monotasking Approach And The Multitasking Approach

This piece looks at the value of doing both monotasking and multitasking. Read more

The Never Walk Past A Quality Problem Approach

This piece looks how to maintain high quality standards and never walk past a quality problem. Read more

The Incubation Approach

This piece looks at the incubation stage in the creative process. Read more

The What You Focus On You Become Approach

This piece looks at how you can continue to have a positive focus and follow the old rule that ‘what you focus on you become’. Read more