The Framing Conversations Approach

This piece looks at how you can frame conversations to increase the likelihood of getting positive results. Read more

The Forecasting The Future Feeling Approach

This piece explores where you may the ability to forecast that feeling that you or others may experience in the future. Read more

The Flow Approach Rather Than The Fight Or Flight Approach

This piece looks at how people can follow the flow approach rather than the fight or flight approach. Read more

The Fertile Ground, Fallow Ground And Frozen Ground Approaches

This piece looks at how you can share ideas by recognise the fertile ground, fallow ground and frozen ground. Read more

The Comfort, Clarity And Class Approach

This piece explore how you can do great work by focusing on the themes of comfort, clarity and class. Read more

The Emotional Approach And The Evidence Based Approach

This piece looks at how people may make decisions by follow the emotional approach and the evidence based approach. Read more

The Promoting Love Approach Rather Than The Promoting Violence Approach

This piece looks at how people can choose to promote love rather than violence. Read more

The Pleasure Of Helping People To Achieve Positive Results Approach

This pieces focuses on how people may do fine and also get pleasure from helping people to achieve positive results. Read more

The Building On The Positive People In An Organisation Approach

This piece looks at how you can build on the positive people in an organisation. Read more

The Being Focused On The Big Goal And Bypassing Any Noise Approach

This piece looks at how great workers bypass any noise on the way towards achieving their big goal. Read more