The Decisive Moments Approach

This article focuses on how people can do their best and deliver the goods at decisive moments. Read more

The Entrepreneurs, Experts And Eager Beavers Approach

There are many models for building excellent teams. One approach is to get the right balance of entrepreneurs, experts and eager beavers. This is an approach that I have seen work in pioneering companies.

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The Campaigners, Coordinators And Completer-Finishers Approach

This article builds on the work of Meredith Belbin. It shows how great teams often get the right blend of campaigners, coordinators and completer-finishers. Read more

The Spectacular Work Approach

This approach starts by a person or team building on their strengths and clarifying their picture of success. It then involves them doing the solid work, superb work and spectacular work to achieve success.

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The Clarity, Creativity And Concrete Results Approach

This approach can be used to help individuals, teams and organisation to achieve their desired result. Read more

The Strengths, Satisfying Work And Success Approach

There are many ways to do fine work. One approach is to play to your strengths, do satisfying work and achieve success. Different people follow these steps when doing different activities.

You may do Read more

The Caring Approach And The Cruel Approach

There are many ways to consider how people behave and the consequences of their behaviour. One approach is to consider to what extent they behave in a caring or cruel way.

Imagine that you Read more

The Cooperation, Creative Solutions And Conflict Approaches

There are many ways to live life. Some people may choose to follow the cooperation, creative solutions or conflict approaches. The route they follow has consequences for  both themselves and other people.

Different people Read more

The Fertile Ground, Fallow Ground And Frozen Ground Approaches

There are many ways to do fine work. Sometimes this involves a person focusing on where they want to do certain kinds work or share knowledge. They can then aim to focus on the Read more

The Finding Inspiration Approach

What are the things you do to find inspiration? Different people give different answers to this question. Here are some of the things they mention.

The specific things I do tosometimes find inspiration Read more