People need the basic materials for life. They need food, shelter, health, encouragement and the chance to earn enough money. This can help them to maintain a healthy life style.
People can then choose to follow either the marvellous life approach or the miserable life approach. The choice they make has consequences – both for themselves and other people. Let’s explore these themes.
The Marvellous Life Approach
People who follow this approach appreciate life. They are often positive, count their blessings and generous. They love to give to people and help them to grow.
They may have learned this approach early in life. They may have had encouraging parents who acted as good models. They may have been offered support and learned skills to shape a positive future.
They may have grown up in environments that offered stability, stimulation and the chance to achieve success. They may also have been encouraged to build on their strengths and do satisfying work.
They may have reached a point in life where they realised that the choices they made had consequences. Bearing this in mind, they chose to help people rather than hurt people.
Such people take responsibility. They believe in the ethic of earning things rather than entitlement. They sometimes serve something greater than themselves – such as a spiritual faith or a sense of vocation.
They aim to build on what they have. They also focus on what they can control rather than what they can’t control. They aim to become the best they can be rather than compare themselves to others.
Such people may believe in following certain moral principles. They also respect other people’s approaches, but draw a line if such approaches hurt other people.
They build on what people have in common. They aim to spread hope rather than hate. They also aim to find, as far as possible, win-win solutions to challenges.
Such people have a sense of perspective. They recognise that they are small in the great sweep of history but also recognise their action have consequences. They therefore try to do their best during their time on the planet.
The Miserable Life Approach
People who follow this approach do not appear to be happy. Sometimes this is because they have not got the basic materials for life. They therefore spend their days aiming to survive rather than being able to thrive.
Some people who follow the miserable approach are rich or hold positions of power. But they still do not seem to be happy. They may be addicted to greed, anger or resentment.
Some are consumed by wanting more, more and more. They are driven by getting more money, power or status. Some may never get enough to satisfy their greed for more.
Such people may also compare themselves to others and see life as a competition. They measure themselves in terms of how much money or power they have compared to those they consider to be their competitors.
They may have learned this approach early in life. They may have grown up in situations that lacked love. They may have also been told that life is a battle that they must win and make sure that other people lose.
Some individuals may have looked stern even in their younger years. Some may have looked happy when they were young but then grew sterner as they gained more money and power.
Some may get their kicks from controlling others. They may scapegoat people who are different. They may enjoy spreading hate and, in the process, spread misery.
There are many ways to life live. Some people choose to follow the marvellous approach rather than the miserable approach. They aim to encourage people during their time on the planet.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Looking ahead, can you think of a situation where you may want to follow elements of the marvellous approach. How can you do this in your own way?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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