Choosing To Follow Positive Philosophies

This section provides an introduction to some of the many philosophies and principles that contain elements of the positive encourager’s approach.

The articles do not necessarily endorse all aspects of the philosophies. But these are included because they have made a contribution to encouraging people.

L is for Richard Leider: The Power Of Purpose

Richard has dedicated much of his life to helping people to find and follow their purpose. He has explored what gets people out of bed in the morning. You can discover more about his Read more

A is for Altruism

This article provides an introduction to Altruism. It explores how people express kindness when faced by challenges.

Samuel and Pearl Oliner have devoted much of their lives to studying humanity at its best. Their Read more

F is for Roger Fisher: His Work On Negotiation

Roger Fisher made a great contribution to peace. Known for his books on negotiation such as Getting To Yes, his obituary in the Economist described him as a ‘lawyer, teacher and peacemaker.’

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R is for Carl Rogers: The Person Centered Approach

Carl’s name is known to everybody who has done a counselling course. Today it is hard to realise how revolutionary his ideas were in the 1930s and 40s.

In the video above Carl describes Read more

C is for Émile Coué: The Power Of Positive Autosuggestion

Autosuggestion is an instrument that we possess at birth, and in this instrument, or rather in this force, resides a marvellous and incalculable power. Émile Coué

Émile was born in 1857 and helped many Read more

F is for Viktor Frankl: His Work On Meaning

Viktor was an Austrian psychiatrist who lived between 1905 and 1997. He was a compelling speaker. This is a much-watched video of him giving a lecture in 1972.

His work reached millions of people Read more

B is for Tal Ben-Shahar: Happiness

Tal Ben-Shahar loves teaching and his Harvard University course on How To Be Happy attracted over 800 students.

Why teach such a course? Tal recalled his own days as a student. Even though he Read more

B is for Peter Benson: His Work Helping People To Find Their Sparks

Peter was a pioneer who helped people to find their sparks. In this first video he describes how we can help children to live flourishing lives. He believed that:

“Children want to be known Read more

S is for Brother David Steindl-Rast: The Joy of Gratitude

The root of joy is gratefulness … It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.

There are now many books that focus on gratitude. These often mention Read more

L is for Shane J. Lopez: The Importance Of Hope

Shane describes himself as: “A psychologist studying hope for a living.”

A writer and researcher, he explains that hopeful people often demonstrate the following qualities.

They believe that the future will be better than Read more