Articles From The Positive Encourager’s Book

This section contain articles from The Positive Encourager’s Book

The Positive Pragmatist Approach Rather Than The Observer Critic Approach

There are many ways to live life. Some people follow the positive pragmatist approach and focus on what works. They are positive but also realistic.

Such people tend to focus on possibilities, practical solutions Read more

The Serving People Approach Rather Than The Self-Promoting Approach

Some people prefer to follow the serving people approach rather than the self-promoting approach. Let’s explore how people may follow these paths.

The Serving People Approach

People who follow this approach want Read more

The Feelings, Facts And Future Approach

There are many ways to help people to shape their future. One approach is to recognise that people may have certain feelings. It can then be to move on to exploring the facts and Read more

The Doing Both The Comfortable And Not So Comfortable Things Approach

Great workers sometimes take this approach. They are prepared to do both the comfortable and not comfortable things on the way towards achieving the picture of success.

They may do this when embarking on Read more

The Decision Makers, Drivers And Deliverers Approach

Great teams get the right balance of decision makers, drivers and deliverers. Decision makers set the strategy. Drivers act as the gears and translate the strategy into action. Deliverers produce the goods.

People may Read more

The Pleasure Approach Rather Than The Pain Approach

There are many ways to live life. Some people aim to follow the pleasure approach rather than the pain approach. They aim to do things that give pleasure to themselves or other people.

Such Read more

The Surfing Successes And Setbacks On The Way Towards Achieving Success Approach

There are many ways to do fine work. One approach is to start by clarifying the picture of success. It is then to surf both successes and setbacks on the ways towards achieving success.

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The Stress Testing The Strategies Approach

Great workers are often positive but realistic. Such people start by clarifying the real results they want to achieve. They then aim:

To clarify the strategies they can follow to give themselves the greatest Read more

The Aiming To Win But Not Being Afraid Not To Win Approach

There are many ways to do fine work. Some people follow the approach taken by some athletes in sports. They do their best to aim to win but they are not afraid not to Read more

The Deviant Who Overdelivers Approach

There are many ways to do fine work. One approach is to be a deviant and do things your own way. But this comes with a caveat.

If you are going to be a Read more