The Managing Psychological Pain Approach

There are many models for helping people to deal with different kinds of pain. This section describes one approach to helping people to deal with psychological pain rather than physical pain.

There may be Read more

Prostate Awareness 14: A Second Operation Clearing Things Up Using HIFU

Mark Emberton operated on me yesterday to clear up some of the illness that was remaining. This time they used the HIFU approach.

Many men now want HIFU and there is a Read more

Prostate Awareness 13: Lectures given by Mark Emberton and Hashim Uddin Ahmed

Mark Emberton and Hashim Uddin Ahmed gave this College of Medicine lecture at the Honourable Artillary Company in November 2012.

Prostate Awareness 12: The Journey Onwards

Now 6 weeks since the operation and things seem to be going well. Here is the journey so far.

The weekend following the operation was fine. Managed to go for a few walks, even Read more

Prostate Awareness 11: “The Operation Went Well.”

Yesterday had the NanoKnife treatment. As mentioned previously, this is a non-invasive approach to treating prostate cancer.

Arrived at The Princess Grace Hospital at 7.30, after 9 hours fasting. The various tests were Read more

Prostate Awareness 10: Date Set For The Operation

Mark Emberton did a Template Guided Biopsy on me on September 14. This is a more accurate form of biopsy than many other methods. Here is information about such a biopsy, though mine was Read more

Prostate Awareness 9: A Key Message For Men – Do An MRI First, Then A Biopsy

Today met up with Professor Mark Emberton and got some interesting news. The illness still diagnosed as being at Stage One, but other factors have emerged. These findings have highlighted the importance Read more

Prostate Awareness 8: Good News Amidst The Gleason Scores

Good news today. Met again with Mark Emberton, who was in fine form. He is excellent to talk with. A pioneer in the field of HIFU, he is professional and very human. Great trusted Read more

Prostate Awareness 7: Meeting with Professor Mark Emberton

Positive meeting with Professor Mark Emberton. One of the leading authorities in HIFU treatment, we met at the clinic of London Urology Associates.

He embodies all the qualities of a trusted Read more

Prostate Awareness 6: Getting The MRI and Other Results, May 10

Mr Jha greets me by saying the results look promising. The illness has been spotted at a relatively early stage, so there are several treatment options.

“Now you can ask me any questions Read more