The Clarity, Creativity And Concrete Results Approach

This approach can be used to help individuals, teams and organisation to achieve their desired result. Read more

The Strengths, Satisfying Work And Success Approach

There are many ways to do fine work. One approach is to play to your strengths, do satisfying work and achieve success. Different people follow these steps when doing different activities.

You may do Read more

The Cooperation, Creative Solutions And Conflict Approaches

There are many ways to live life. Some people may choose to follow the cooperation, creative solutions or conflict approaches. The route they follow has consequences for  both themselves and other people.

Different people Read more

The Fertile Ground, Fallow Ground And Frozen Ground Approaches

There are many ways to do fine work. Sometimes this involves a person focusing on where they want to do certain kinds work or share knowledge. They can then aim to focus on the Read more

The Finding Inspiration Approach

What are the things you do to find inspiration? Different people give different answers to this question. Here are some of the things they mention.

The specific things I do tosometimes find inspiration Read more

The Feed Forward Approach Rather Than Just The Feedback Approach

There are many ways to help people to develop. This piece describes how it is possible to use the feed forward approach rather than just the feedback approach. It helps people to focus on Read more

The Style, Substance And Success Approach

This is an approach that can be used when looking at a person, team or organisation. It is to focus on their style, their substance – or lack of it – and whether or Read more

The Positive Memories For Life Approach

Some people aim to encourage others in their personal and professional lives. They aim to be positive, create positive experiences and give people positive memories for life. Let’s look at some examples.

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The Enthusiasm, Enterprise And Excellence Approach

There are many ways to do fine work. One approach is for a person to focus on the areas where they have the ability to do superb work. It is then for them to Read more

The Builder Approach Rather Than The Blamer Approach

People can choose to be builders or blamers. The first route can help to create a positive future. The second can create pain for present and future generations. Some people reach a point when:

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