There are many ways for people to do fine work. One approach is for them to focus on what they do best. It is then for them to do what they believe in, do Read more
There are many ways for people to do fine work. One approach is for them to focus on what they do best. It is then for them to do what they believe in, do Read more Great workers often follow the strategies that work approach rather than the just showing up approach. One person expressed this in the following way. “When I was younger I sometimes turned up and used Read more People need to have access to the basic materials for life. They can then make choices about they shape their future lives. They may take one of the following approaches. People may aim to Read more Everybody encounters differences and possible conflicts in their lives. It can then be useful to recognise when people are fighting fair or fighting dirty. Let’s explore these themes. You Can Recognise Fair Read more Great workers focus on their purpose, principles and picture of success. They are then good at priority management and taking practical steps to achieve positive results. Let’s explore how to this works in action. There are many ways to live life. Some people choose to follow the grateful approach rather than the grumpy approach. The route they take has consequences for both themselves and other people. Different people Read more There are many ways to live life. Some people follow the positive suggestions approach. They do this when focusing their own life and, but only when appropriate, offering positive suggestions to other people. Some Read more There are many ways to encourage people. One approach is to do positive work that helps people or the planet. Different people follow this approach in different ways. Some focus on encouraging people, being Read more Great workers follow the mantra that excellence is a habit. They aim to deliver high standards whether performing at the Village Hall or the Carnegie Hall. Great educators aim to deliver superb sessions whether Read more Great workers often build on their strengths and follow strategies that work. They then demonstrate the right stamina and, when appropriate, do things at the right speed to achieve success. This piece focuses mainly Read more |
Site by Mike Pegg, 2025.