The Authenticity, Achievement And Affirmation Approach

Different people grow in different ways. Many learn by doing activities where they go through the steps of being authentic, achieving things and getting affirmation.

Imagine that a person has asked for you to help them to develop. Let’s explore how you may be able to do this by focusing on the following themes.


A person is more likely to grow when they operate from their core. This approach can take many forms. A person may aim, for example:

To do what they believe in, do the basics and aim to do brilliant work;

To do things that give them positive energy, follow their principles and work towards their picture of success;

To do things where they build on their strengths, follow strategies that work and achieve success.


A person is more likely to grow when they achieve their aims. Sometimes they may do this quickly, sometimes they may need to overcome challenges.

They may follow this path when doing an activity, performing a project or working towards achieving a specific goal. Reaching their goal helps to build confidence and provides a sense of success.


People are more likely to grow when they get affirmation. This comes with a reality check, however, because they are not always in charge of whether they get affirmation.

Sometimes the affirmation comes from themselves. A person may feel they have been true themselves, done what they believe in and also achieved their aims.

Sometimes affirmation comes from outside. A person may do good work and get positive feedback. This can help to lift a person’s soul.

There may be many situations, however, where this feedback is not forthcoming. This does not necessarily mean the person has not done good work. It may simply mean that other people are not in the habit of giving positive feedback.

Different people grow in different ways. Whatever approach they use, it can also be useful for them:

To clarify what they have done well and how they can follow these principles in the future;

To clarify what they could do better and how they can apply this learning in the future.

Imagine that a person has asked you to help them to develop. How can you help them to be authentic and achieve things? How can you help to be realistic about the kinds of affirmation they can and cannot expect? What may happen as a result of taking these steps?

If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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