There are many ways to live and work. Some people follow the focusing on helping other people approach rather than the Big I Am approach. Let’s explore these approaches.
The Being Focused On
Helping Other People Approach
Some people follow this approach in their daily work and also when applying for potential roles. They focus on what they can deliver to help other people succeed.
They are often aware of their strengths and skills. They have a strong service ethic, however, and focus on how they can use their strengths to help other people.
Such people take this approach when positioning what they can offer to a potential employer or customer. They take the following steps:
They clarify what the other people want to achieve and how they can use their strengths to help them to achieve success;
They clarify how they can show people that they recognise what is happening in their world – such as their challenges and picture of success;
They clarify and then communicate the specific things that they can deliver to help these people to achieve success.
Such people believe in a service approach. They are aware of their strengths, however, and the kinds of people with whom they work best. They then aim to put themselves into those situations rather than become a victim.
They love to give to others. Before doing a piece of work, they often follow some of the principles outlined above. They also take the following steps:
They clarify the specific goals – the real results to achieve – and the key strategies to follow when working towards the picture of success;
They make clear contracts about their own and other people’s contributions towards achieving the picture of success;
They perform superb work, keep their stakeholders informed, find solutions to challenges and do their best to achieve the picture of success.
They love to help others to succeed. Sometimes this can lead to them experiencing the helper’s high. They see this is as a by-product, however, rather than an end in itself.
Such people may serve something greater than themselves – such as a vocation – and have sense of perspective. They see themselves as small in the great sweep of history. But they want to do their best during their time on the planet.
The Big I Am Approach
Some people follow this approach in their work and also when applying for potential roles. They focus on self-promotion and talk about how brilliant they are.
There are several definitions for the Big I Am approach. These include the following:
Somebody who is acting as the Big I Am – or giving it the Big I Am – behaves as if they are very important … They act as if they are a higher authority … They believe they are a legend in their own lifetime.
Such people often believe in the concept of personal branding or personal bragging. They try to sell themselves rather than show that they understand the needs of the customer or other people.
Some companies take this approach when pitching for business. They start with lots of power points about how brilliant their company is. They fail to start by focusing on the potential customer’s goals.
People who take the Big I Am approach often aim to achieve what they see as winning. They gain affirmation but may then lose interest. They keep focusing on their own agenda and look for the next kick.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Can you think of a situation where you may want to follow elements of the helping other people approach? How can you do this in your own way?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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