There are many ways to live life. One approach is to build on the positive things in your life. Taking this approach can also increase your strength for tackling certain challenges.
Imagine that you want to follow this approach in your own way. The first step is to describe the positive things in your life. Here are some of the answers that individuals may give when focusing on this theme.
The Positive Things
In My Life Are:
My partner and our children … Our house, dogs and garden … Being reasonably healthy for my age … Having enough money to live on … My creative drive … My work … My desire to help people.
Imagine that you have described the positive things in your life. The next step can be to consider how you may want to build on some of these things.
Different people will describe different things when taking this step. Here are some of the activities that they may mention.
Building On The Positive
Things In My Life – I Can Aim:
To encourage my loved ones … To spend more time walking … To keep improving our garden … To follow my passion for creating custom made furniture … To create a website dedicated to helping cancer patients.
To continue to feel alive … To keep doing stimulating projects at work … To spend time with my favourite customers … To pass on my knowledge that helps other people to succeed.
Imagine that you have described how you want to build on the positive things in your life. If appropriate, you may also want to consider the benefits of doing these things – both for yourself and other people.
People who take this approach may feel grateful, positive and creative. They may encourage other people. They may get more strength to tackle challenges. Sometimes they may also experience a sense of peace.
Let’s return to your own life and work. If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to focus on the following themes.
First, to describe the positive things in your life. Second, to describe how you can build on these things. Third, to describe the benefits of doing these things.

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