Different people choose to follow different paths in their work. Sometimes they may also choose to pursue a combination of paths. Let’s explore some of the routes they may take.
The Personal Path
Some people like to pursue their own path. They like to build on their own strengths, follow their own strategies and work in their own way towards achieving success.
Such individuals like to feel in control. Whilst they may get stimulation from within and from outside sources, they like to make their own decisions.
People who follow this path may work as artists, writers, singers, craft workers or certain kinds of specialists. They may work as therapists, trusted advisors, knowledge workers or in other fields.
Such individuals may have started following this path relatively early in life. One person expressed this in the following way.
“I have always been happy learning by myself. Sometimes I found ways to stay at home from school so that I could do things I enjoyed. I loved to invent games, read and explore.
“Sometimes I had an odd reaction to groups. Most of the time I seemed to observe them from the outside. But at other times I jumped in to take the lead.
“Nowadays I do lots of specialist work by myself. This also involves me making presentations to groups of senior leaders who need to make key decisions.
“My approach is to be more like an educator than an evangelist. It is to share knowledge and offer them options for going forwards. This seems to work and I continue to get work.
“Fortunately I continue to learn. It is enjoyable to add to my knowledge base and also develop ideas that I can pass on people.”
The Partnering Path
Some people may spend much of the time following their own path. When appropriate, however, they may also sometimes partner with other people, teams or organisations.
This is a path that may be followed by some specialists, researchers, scientists and knowledge workers. It may be followed by some creative workers, singers, performing artists and people in other fields.
They enjoy being in charge of their own work. There may be times, however, when they want to contribute to a project, team, organisation or other entity.
Such individuals often do their due diligence before taking this step. They then aim to build on their strengths, make clear contracts and make their best contribution towards achieving the picture of success.
The Part Of Something Bigger Path
Some people like to be part of something. They like to be part of a group, a cause, a team, a company or another entity. They may also get energy from being part of a group that is working towards a specific goal.
Some pursue this approach in their personal life. They may play a team sport, sing in a choir, join a study group, work for a cause or do another communal activity.
Some pursue this approach in their professional life. They may work in a team, organisation or company. They may be part of an academic, government or other institution.
Different people may take this approach for different reasons. They may enjoy a sense of belonging, feel more secure, believe in the mission or see it as a good way to enhance their careers.
Some people recognise the pluses of this approach. They may like the collegiate environment, get stimulation and enjoy working towards specific goals.
They also recognise the potential minuses of this approach. They may have limited autonomy, experience challenging cultures or be at the mercy of changes in the market. They may also be institutionalised.
Let’s return to your own work. Looking to the future, what may be the path – or combination of paths – you want to follow? How can you do this in your own way? If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme.

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