There are many ways to find the niche where you can do fulfilling work. One approach is to focus on a specific activity that you find fascinating, have a feeling for and where you have a track record of finishing. You can then follow this path and do fulfilling work.
Imagine you want to explore this approach. This involves focusing on the specific activity that have the following characteristics.
You Find The
Activity Fascinating
What are the things that fascinate you? What are the activities where you want to explore and make sense of things? What are those where you want to build models?
One clue is to choose a field where you would pursue this activity even if you did not get paid for doing it. It is a positive addiction.
Derek Jacobi, the actor, explained this approach in a television interview. When approached by young people who wanted his advice on becoming an actor, he said something like the following.
“If you want to become an actor, then don’t do it. If you need to become an actor, then do it.”
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to clarify a specific activity you find fascinating and the reasons why you find it fascinating. Here is the exercise.
The specific activity that
I find fascinating is:
The specific reasons why I find
this activity fascinating are:
You Have A Feeling
For The Activity
Looking at the field of activity you have chosen, do you have a strong feeling for it? Are you good at it? If so, you may want to explore how you can do more of this kind of work.
If not, take the time to pursue other fascinating activities. Looking at these activities, where do you have the ability to do good work that is fulfilling? Settle on one you want to explore further.
How to tell whether you have a strong feeling for an activity? Sometimes it can be useful to ask some of the classic questions. These include the following.
What are the deeply satisfying activities in which I have the ability to deliver As rather than Bs or Cs? When am I in my element – at ease and yet able to excel?
What are the activities in which I quickly see patterns? Where do I see the destination quickly? When do I go ‘A, B … then leap to … Z’? What are the activities where I make complicated things appear simple?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you: a) to describe the activity you find fascinating and have a feeling for; b) to give examples of work you have done that show why you may have a strong feeling for the activity.
The specific activity that I find
fascinating and have a feeling for is:
The specific examples of work I have done that show
why I may have a strong feeling for the activity are:
You Have A Track
Record Of Finishing
Let’s focus on the activity you find fascinating and have a feeling for. Is it one where you also have a track record of finishing? Here is an example given by one person.
“I have a good record of building and selling successful prototypes. This normally takes between two and three years.
“I did run one company for five years. But scaling the business meant I got involved in the maintenance aspects. My staff took care of the day-to-day work, of course, but I lost interest in running the business.
“Some people create and sell larger businesses for massive sums, but that is not my forte. I prefer to build prototypes, provide proof of concept and then sell to buyers. This is what I am good at finishing.”
Let’s return to your work. Looking back, when have you finished properly when doing the activity your find fascinating and have a feeling for? What did you do right then to finish successfully? What happened as a result?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to give specific examples of when you have finished the specific activity successfully.
The specific activity that I find fascinating, have
a feeling for and have a track record of finishing is:
The specific examples that show I have a
track record of finishing in this activity are:
You Can Continue To Pursue The
Specific Activity And Do Fulfilling Work
Imagine that you have settled on your chosen activity. How can you pursue it more in the future? How can you continue to do fulfilling work.
You may do this when encouraging people, pursuing a craft, doing a creative project or performing another activity. You may do it when working as a specialist, leader or in another professional role.
There are many models for doing fulfilling work. Some people aim to build on their strengths, do stimulating projects and do their best to achieve their picture of success.
Some people aim to go into a state of flow. They then aim to focus, do fine work and finish. Then, as a by-product, they sometimes enjoy a sense of fulfilment.
Imagine that you want to pursue your chosen activity. How can you do this in your own way? What may be the benefits of taking these steps – both for yourself and other people?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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