Some individuals, teams and organisations do things or experience events that can be game-changing. These can have profound effects on aspects of their personal or professional lives.
There are several definitions for game-changing. These often refer to ‘something that changes things in a big way’. Here are some definitions:
A person, idea, invention or process that has a profound effect on what is happening;
A new element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way;
A paradigm that shows people a new way of looking at the world and can lead to positive results.
There are different kinds of game-changing activities. Some can have a more far-reaching effect than others. Let’s explore these themes.
Game-Changing Activities
Within The Present Game
The term game-changing is often used in the context of sport. It refers to a player who does something exceptional that changes the course of a game.
The term is now also used to describe a person, team or organisation that does certain kinds of work in a particular field. The work they do has a profound effect on the results that are achieved.
Some people do such work by following the normal rules of operating in a particular field. The work they do is exceptional, however, and enables them, their team or their organisation to deliver great results.
Some teams have people who do the following kinds of work. They may: a) do the groundwork; b) do good work; c) do game-changing work.
Such teams make sure everybody contributes to the groundwork and good work. They seldom employ people who just hang around to do the occasional game-changing work.
As mentioned earlier, such exceptional work often builds on the existing model. It moves the performance closer to 10/10 within the present approach to achieving results.
There may be some kinds of work or events, however, that move people into another dimension. Let’s explore this approach.
Game-Changing Activities That
Create A Whole New Game
Some people, teams or organisations may do exceptional work or experiences events that follow fresh rules. These can create a whole new game.
This can happen on a personal front. A person may experience a life-changing event. This could be an illness, injury, divorce or other transition that can have a profound effect on their future.
This can happen on a professional front. A person, team or organisation may develop an invention, service or product that has a great effect. This can change people’s way of operating or create a whole new game.
Some external events – such as pandemics, wars or climate change – can create new conditions. Some inventions – such as the internet – can create new rules for working in certain fields.
Some people, teams and organisations anticipate or respond well to such events. Some ignore what is happening and continue with their old ways of operating.
Some people help others to see or manage things that may be game-changing. Some educators, therapists or mentors, for example, may aim:
To offer people a new paradigm – a new way of looking at the world – and practical tools that enable them to achieve positive results.
Such an approach can offer people insights, knowledge and practical tools they can use in their lives and work. They can then, if they wish, apply these to achieve their picture of success.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Looking ahead, can you think of a specific situation where you may apply some elements of the game-changing approach?
You may do this in your own life when dealing with a challenge or aiming to achieve success. You may do it when helping other people to deal with or maximise the challenges of a game-changing event.
What may be the specific situation? How could you apply elements of this approach in your own way? What may happen as a result of taking these steps? If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme.

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