Different people are born into different circumstances and have different experiences in life. Some recognise they may be fortunate to have certain opportunities. They may then aim to be generous with their good fortune.
Warren Buffet, the financial sage, says he was fortunate in the ovarian lottery. He was born into a society where it was an advantage to be white, male and have access to education. He explained this in the following way.
I am lucky. I had the advantage of a home where people talked about interesting things. I had intelligent parents and went to decent schools. I don’t think I could have been raised by a better pair of parents.
That was enormously important. I didn’t get money from my parents and I really didn’t want it. But I was born at the right time and place. I won the ovarian lottery.
Warren also says he was lucky to be near-sighted, bookish and had a brain that was wired in a certain way. These gifts helped him to do well in school and in a financial market that rewarded his expertise.
He believed that other people may have done more worthy work but they may not have been well rewarded financially. Whilst Warren had made use of his talents, he felt lucky. He therefore made this pledge.
More than 99% of my wealth will go to philanthropy during my lifetime or at death. Measured by dollars, this commitment is large. In a comparative sense, though, many individuals give more to others every day.
Different people may use their good fortune in different ways. Let’s explore how they may take these steps.
They Are Grateful
For Their Good Fortune
Some financially rich people appreciate the advantages they have been given. They may have been born into a relatively fair society, had supportive parents and access to good health care. Whilst they have applied themselves, they also have a sense of gratitude.
Some other people who are born into wealth may not appreciate the start they were given. Instead of being grateful, they may be grumpy or resentful. Despite their riches, they may not seem happy.
Looking at your own life, what are the things that you are grateful for having been given? You may have had loving parents, a happy childhood and lived in different cultures.
You may also have been given certain abilities. Perhaps you experienced setbacks but, through your fighting spirit, you turned these into opportunities.
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to describe the good fortune you have had in your life. Try completing the following sentence.

They Make Good Use
Of Their Good Fortune
Some people make good use of their good fortune. They build on what they have rather than worry about what they don’t have. They may then use these assets to help other people or to do superb work.
Different people do this in different ways. Here are some ways that people may use their life-experiences, strengths or knowledge.
A person who found school challenging may help dyslexic children to build on their strengths … A recovering addict may help others to stay clean … An inventor may create products that help people to improve the quality of their lives.
A footballer may use their fame to raise money for people who are hungry or homeless … A journalist may use their storytelling skills to describe practical solutions to pressing problems across the world … A singer-songwriter may use their talents to produce songs that inspire people.
Let’s return to your life and work. How can you continue to make good use of your good fortune? How can you use the experiences and abilities you have been given? How can you help other people to succeed?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentence.

They Are Generous
With Their Good Fortune
Different people are generous in different ways. Sometimes this depends on what they have been given. They may have had financial, emotional or other kinds of good fortune.
Some people are generous with their money. They may give financial support to good causes, budding entrepreneurs or fund other ways to build a fairer world.
Some people are generous with their spirit. Given encouragement in their own lives, they love to help people. They may do this as parents, educators, mentors or in other roles.
Some people are generous with their knowledge. They love to pass on ideas, models and practical tools. Grateful for what they have been given, they see this as natural. They want to help people to succeed.
Many people recognise that, whilst they worked hard, they have also enjoyed good fortune in their lives. Building on these assets, they want to encourage both present and future generations.
Let’s return to your own life. How can you continue to be generous? How can you share your experiences? How can you build on your strengths? How can you do satisfying work and help other people to succeed?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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