There are many ways to do fine work. Some people who do such work demonstrate the following characteristics. They are humble, honest and hard-working.
Such people also embody a paradox. They don’t see themselves as hard-working. They simply apply themselves properly and do their best to get the desired positive results.
Good organisations have many such people. They play to their strengths and give them the support to do the job. They then put the right people in the right places to get the right results.
Different people follow this approach in different ways. Let’s explore how they may translate this into action.
They Are Humble
Such people are humble in a certain way. They aim to serve something greater than themselves. They may believe that the work is important, for example, rather than they themselves are important.
They are humble in their search for knowledge. They are often life-long learners who love to explore and add to their repertoires for doing fine work. They maintain this quality throughout their lives.
Such people may be humble but they also hold strong convictions. They may believe in following a certain philosophy and pursuing certain principles in certain areas of their lives.
Whilst they have strong beliefs, they respect other people. They are prepared to take a stand, however, if they see certain principles being compromised. This sometimes relates to the next theme.
They Are Honest
Such people have integrity. They are honest with themselves, honest in their work and honest with other people. They may translate this into action in the following ways.
They are honest with themselves. They have a moral compass that they believe in following. They aim to follow their beliefs in both positive and challenging situations.
They are honest in their work. They recognise their strengths and, in some cases, their limitations. They then aim to become the best kind of person or professional they can be.
They are honest with people but in a positive way. They aim to encourage people and help them to succeed. When appropriate, they may offer people positive alternatives about how they could behave in the future.
They Are Hard-Working
Such people are hard-working but in a certain kind of way. They apply themselves properly and do their best to achieve the desired positive results.
They may not see themselves as hard-working. They may see it as natural to apply their strengths, follow strategies that work and aim to achieve success.
They often start by making clear contracts about the outcomes to achieve and the guidelines to follow. They then aim to be effective, do what works and deliver consistently high standards.
Such people often embody the qualities described by Carol Dweck regarding people who have a growth mindset. They apply themselves fully, continue to improve and do their best to achieve the picture of success.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Looking ahead, can you think of a situation where you may follow elements of the humble, honest and hard-working approach? How can you do this in your own way?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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