There are many models for developing creative ideas. Some of these start with inspiration. They then involve incubating the ideas. Incubation can provide the bridge between inspiration and implementation.
There are many different approaches to setting aside time for incubation. Before looking at some of these, however, it can be good to start by reflecting on your own approach.
Looking at your own life and work, there may be times when you get inspiration or explore creative ideas. What do you then do to let the ideas incubate?
You may give yourself permission to set aside time to relax and let your mind wander. You may sleep, walk, play music, potter around or do something totally different.
Sometimes this may lead to creative breakthroughs and things coming together. Sometime it may not work this way. But then the potential solutions may appear later.
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentence.

Many writers have described ways of nurturing the incubation process which can lead to illumination. People can then implement these insights and work towards achieving their picture of success.
Daniel Tscharner wrote a superb piece on this theme for the Linked In website. The creative process begins by what he calls preparation. This includes gathering information and settling on the way forwards.
He then goes on to describe the process of incubation. Here are excerpts from his excellent piece on this theme.

Let’s return to your own life and work. Imagine that you want to continue to build on the activities that already help you during the incubation stage. How can you also add other ways that can help?
Some people, for example, aim to do things that give them positive energy. They may immerse themselves in playing music, gardening, exercising or, as mentioned earlier, simply pottering around.
You will, of course, add to your repertoire in your own way. If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme.
This invites you to describe how you can build on your ways of letting ideas incubate plus maybe adding other ways in the future. Here is the exercise on this theme.

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