There are many ways to pass on knowledge to people. One approach is to start by focusing on a specific topic and to gather as much information as possible.
Bearing in mind this information, it is to make a model that makes sense of things. One approach is to look for patterns, make a positive model and also translate this into practical tools that people can use.
It is then to make sure the model works. This is vital step before passing it on to people. People can then adapt and use their model to achieve positive results.
Imagine that you want to follow this approach in your own way. One approach is to work through the following steps.
You Can Choose A Topic Where
You Want To Make A Model
The first step is to choose a topic that you find interesting. It should also: a) be one you want to understand in more depth; b) be one where you would like to make a model that you can pass on to people.
Different people will choose different topics to explore. If they are interested in helping people to develop, for example, they may choose to focus on one or more of the following topics.
How can people be happy … How can people make good use of their talents … How can people recover from PTSD … How can people be good mentors … How can people build superb teams … Etc.
This is an approach I have followed in my own work. During my early career I worked in therapeutic communities. This led to visiting many communities that had a track record of success and exploring the following themes.
What is this community doing right? What are the principles they are following? How do they create an environment in which motivated people can develop?
How do they ensure people are motivated? How do they ensure that people know what to expect before they join the community? How do they make clear contracts about the person’s responsibilities if they want to develop?
How do they help people to set their own specific goals? How do they provide support and practical tools the person can use to achieve their goals? How do they maintain the culture and also deal with crises in the community?
This is an approach I followed later when working with individuals, schools, teams and organisations. The aim was to study what worked and pass on these principles to other people.
Let’s assume that you have chosen to focus on a specific area of interest. If appropriate, you may then move on to the next stage.
You Can Make A Model
That Makes Sense Of Things

There are many ways to make sense of things and then make models. As mentioned earlier, one approach is to focus on the topic you want to explore and gather lots of information.
It is then to look for patterns and, wherever possible, principles that work. You can then aim to make a positive model and practical tools that people use to follow it in their own way.
Imagine that you have taken this step. Bearing in mind the principles that work, you may then want to explore the following themes.
How can I make this into a model that works? How can I break this down into steps? How can I create a framework that people can follow? How can I make the model simple yet profound?
How can I make the model attractive? How can I make it visual? How can I use alliteration, a pneumonic or another technique to make the model memorable? How can I give examples to bring the model to life?
Imagine that you have created a model that people may be able to use. If appropriate, you may then move on to the next stage.
You Can Make
Sure The Model Works
One approach is to learn from good educators. They study what works, simplify what works – in a profound way – and share what works. They road test the model before passing it on to lots of people.
This is the approach I followed during the early 1990s when asked to run mentoring workshops for mentors and mentees. The first iteration was based on the following framework.
The mentor began by creating a stimulating sanctuary in which the mentee could feel at ease. They then helped a person to focus on their challenges, choices, consequences, creative solutions and conclusions.
This framework became the basis for a book called The Art Of Mentoring. It was also used by people in many companies: a) to educate mentors; b) to educate mentees how to get the best from the sessions.
Ove the years I found that it helped to simplifier the approach by following the rule of three. This involved helping the mentee to focus on clarity, creativity and concrete results. Here is an overview of the approach.

You will have your own approach to testing whether the model works. When doing so, it can be useful to explore the following themes.
What is the model that I want to test? Who are the kinds of people who may want to use the model? What are the results that these people may want to achieve by using the model?
How can I test the model with such people? How can I build on what works? How can I tackle the areas for improvement? How can I then keep testing the model to make sure it works?
Good educators take this approach. They then aim: a) to pass on the model to people; b) to provide practical tools that people can use to get positive results.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Can you think of a specific topic where you would like to follow elements of the making models approach?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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