There are many models for doing fine work. One approach is to do what you do best, do the basics and then add the brilliance. Let’s explore these themes.
You Can Do
What You Do Best
Great workers do what they best. They also do what they believe in and then aim to do their best. Bearing this in mind, you may want to do a piece of work where you can do some of the following things.
You can build on your strengths – the activities where you have the ability to deliver As rather than Bs or Cs;
You can do work where you are in your element – the activities where you are at ease and yet able to excel;
You can do something you feel passionately about where you have the ability to deliver peak performances.
Belief is also crucial. It be important: a) to do work you believe in; b) to follow the principles you believe in. It is also important to believe in the benefits of doing the work.
Imagine that you have chosen to do a piece of work. The next step will be to do your best. This can involve focusing on the next theme.
You Can
Do The Basics
Great workers keep doing the basics that are required to provide the platform for doing brilliant work. Such workers often take the following steps.
They clarify the real results to achieve and translate these into a clear picture of success;
They clarify the key strategies they can follow to give themselves the greatest chance of success;
They keep delivering high standards on the way towards achieving the picture of success.
Great workers translate the strategies into action. They aim to be positive, professional and perform superb work. The steps they take to make this happen depend on their chosen activity.
A counsellor will help a person to feel at ease, explore what they want to achieve and then enable them to shape their future. An athlete will prepare properly – both physically and psychologically – and then do their best to achieve peak performance.
Imagine that you are continuing to do the basics when doing a piece of work. If appropriate, you may wish to take the next step.
You Can
Add The Brilliance
Great workers sometimes add the brilliance. A footballer may use their skills to make a defence-splitting pass or score a remarkable goal. A surgeon may use their gifts to perform a life-saving operation in difficult circumstances.
Different people add the brilliance in their own ways. One approach is for them to keep delivering high standards. It is then to use their strengths to do something special to achieve the picture of success.
Great workers sometimes go beyond doing brilliant work. They may also aim to make it beautiful. There are many definitions of beauty. Some people follow the principles of great design.
They aim to create something that is simple, satisfying and successful. It is simple – but in a profound way. It is satisfying both an aesthetic and practical level. It is successful. It works and helps people to get positive results.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Imagine you want to do a piece of work where you follow elements of the best contribution approach. How can you do this in your own way?
How can you do what you do best? How can you do what you believe in? How can you do the basics and add the brilliance? If appropriate, how can you then make it beautiful?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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