There are many ways to focus on what it is important in life. This is an exercise that a person can use to follow this approach. It invites them to clarify what they would do if they had one year to live.
The exercise is slightly different from the classic Bucket List. It encourages a person to immediately focus on doing what is important in life. It invites them to explore the following questions.
What would you do if you had one year to live?? Who are the people you would like to spend time with? How would you like to behave towards these people?
You may want to continue to work to support your loved ones, but what else would you do? What would be your priorities? How could you take steps towards pursuing these aims?
Looking at your life, what are the specific things that give you positive energy? How could do you more of these things? How could you deal with any things that give you negative energy?
How could you encourage yourself and other people? What would be the Dos and Don’ts? How could you follow these principles to help yourself and other people?
What are the positive things you want to give to people during the rest of your life? If appropriate, how can you pass on your knowledge? Many people want to feel at peace when they die. What can you to do to increase the chances of experiencing a sense of peace?
Bearing in mind what you have written, how can you take steps to doing some of these things in your daily life and work? What may be the benefits – both for yourself and other people?
Different people write different things when doing this exercise, but some common themes often emerge. These include individuals writing the following things.
I would aim:
To be kind … To encourage people … To build on what I can do rather than worry about what I can’t do … To appreciate the simple things in life … To take more walks with my dog … To see every day as a bonus.
To do the things in which I feel alive … To go to more concerts, art galleries and other events … To plant trees for future generations … To pass on knowledge that can help people to succeed.
Let’s return to your own life and work. What are the things you would aim to do if you had one year to live? How can you take steps to do some of those things now? What would be the benefits?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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