Great workers are good at seeing patterns in the areas in which they excel. Going into a situation, they clarify the results to achieve. They then scan the situation and take the following steps.
They look for how people are behaving or what is actually happening;
They look for both successful and unsuccessful patterns;
They look for how it is possible to build on the successful patterns and manage the unsuccessful patterns.
Great workers sometimes use this framework. They may look for different things, however, depending on whether they aim to see patterns followed by people or patterns in other situations. Here are some of the themes they may explore.

Such workers actually look at what is happening rather than rush into interpreting events. They then use their skills to deliver success.
Different people apply these skills in different situations. One mentor explained their approach in the following way.
“I used to do lots of team workshops. Whilst these often helped people to deliver results, I realised that I was better doing individual mentoring sessions.
“During the one-to-one meetings I found it relatively easy to find people’s successful and unsuccessful patterns. I was then able to provide them with tools they could use to achieve their goals.”
Some people are good at recognising patterns in counselling situations; some in technical situations; some in sporting situations. Some people are good at seeing patterns in financial and investments situations. They then aim to use their skills to deliver success.
Let’s return to your own life and work. What are the situations in which you are good at seeing patterns? These could be when you are working with people or entering another kind of situation.
How can you put yourself into more of these in the future? How can you continue to build on your skills and deliver success in these situations? What will be the benefits of taking these steps?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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