What we focus on we may become. If we focus on positive things, we may become more positive. If we focus on negative things, we may become more negative. This can affect both ourselves and other people.
Imagine you want to follow this principle in your own way. One approach is to start by focusing on the positive things in life. You may aim to develop a sense of gratitude, study success or do things that lift your spirit.
If appropriate, you can also encourage other people to focus on what gives them positive energy. This can sometimes help people to feel alive and creative. It can also help them to shape their future lives.
Another approach is to focus on possible solutions to challenges. You may do this by exploring the potential ways forwards and then, if appropriate, taking steps to achieve success.
Some people focus on negative things without exploring solutions. They may then become paralysed by taking poison into their system. This does not help anyone.
People should not ignore reality, of course, but it helps if they also study solutions. Let’s explore how you can focus on what you want to become.
Positive Things
What are the positive things you focus on now? You may focus on encouraging your loved ones, appreciating your assets and doing things that give you energy.
Looking ahead, what are the positive things you want to focus on the future? You may want to appreciate life, play inspiring music, pass on knowledge, help others to succeed or do other things that lift your spirits.
What will be the benefits of taking these steps? What are you more likely to feel? What may be the feelings that your transmit to other people? What are you more likely to become?
Possible Solutions
How do you use your energy to find possible solutions to challenges? What are some of the challenges you may face? How do you buy time to reflect, explore the potential options and then take steps to tackle these issues successfully?
Do you spend time learning about how other people find solutions in various fields? You may do this when exploring the topics you find interesting.
You may be interested in wellbeing, education, personal development, sport, business, conflict resolution, climate change or other activities. What do you do to explore how people find solutions to challenges in these areas?
Looking ahead, what do you want to do to focus on possible solutions in the future? What will be the benefits of taking these approach – both for yourself and for other people?
Negative Things
What are some of the negative things you focus on now? How does this affect you? What do you do to try to manage some of the feelings that you may experience?
Some societies assail their people with negative messages. The media reports bad news, whilst the powers-that-be spend their time arguing.
Even the most caring people can become disillusioned. Unfortunately this can also affect people around them. One person expressed this in the following way.
“Ten years ago I changed dramatically. Being a parent, I wanted my children to grow up happily. But then one day I got a shock.
“My son asked me: ‘Is the world going to end?’
“My answer was, ‘Of course not,’ but I wanted to know why he asked the question.
“He had been looking at my doom and gloom environmental magazines. This was also embodied in the mood of despair I sometimes expressed when friends came round for dinner.
“Suddenly I took notice. I wanted to build a happier world, but I was poisoning my own home.
“Now I take magazines that show practical ways we can improve the world, rather than those that fill people with despair.
“It was a tough lesson.”
Looking ahead, how do you want to deal with some of the potential negative things you notice? Different people do this in different ways. Here are some possibilities you may want to consider.
You can, when appropriate, avoid exposing yourself to negative things. There is little point listening to complainers who do not want to talk about solutions.
Much of the news media is still addicted to the old notion that ‘if it bleeds it leads’. Some outlets now specialise in solutions journalism. This goes beyond describing the problem and provides solutions that have achieved success.
You may also want to learn how to manage triggers that lead to you feeling depressed or behaving in ways that depresses others. It can be important:
To recognise that the potential triggers that could lead to you going into negative spiral;
To avoid exposing yourself to such triggers;
To learn how to manage the triggers if, despite your best efforts, they do happen.
Let’s return to your own life. Imagine that you want to continue to have a positive focus. How can you focus on the positive things and possible solutions? What may be the benefits of taking these steps?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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