There are many ways to live life. Some people choose to be positive and follow their principles. They may then sometimes experience a sense of peace.
Different people follow this approach in different ways. Let’s explore these themes.
They Choose
To Be Positive
People who take this approach are often positive realists. They have a positive attitude but are also good at reading reality. They are good at recognising both positive and negative patterns in life.
Such people believe that they can choose their attitude in any situation. They also recognise that the choices they make have consequences – both for themselves and other people.
They follow the rule of controlling the controllables in situations. They build on what they can control and find ways to manage some of the things they can’t control.
Individuals who take this approach have what is called an internal locus of control rather than an external locus of control. They say: “I can make things happen,” rather than “Things happen to me.”
Different people choose to be positive for different reasons. Some may have grown up in families where their parents where good models. They then learned to focus on the possibilities in life.
Some may have developed a sense of gratitude. They are grateful for what they have been given in life and count their blessings rather than their burdens.
Some people may have had life experiences that led them to choosing to be positive. They then chose to build on their assets rather than be consumed by any angst.
Such people often aim to encourage others. They love to give to people and help them to achieve their goals. They are often savvy, however, and choose not to be victims.
Imagine that you want to continue to have a positive attitude. What are the specific things you can do to translate this into action? What may be the benefits – both for yourself and other people?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentence.

They Follow
Their Principles
People who this approach have more than having a positive attitude. They also aim to follow their principles. Different people do this for different reasons. They may do this because:
They believe in following certain principles in their life and, in some cases, serving something greater than themselves;
They believe that following these principles helps them to be true to themselves and build on their strengths when working to achieve their goals;
They believe that following these principles enables them to enjoy the journey and do their best during their time on the planet.
Some people gain strength from following their principles. They may also find that following these enables them to flow, focus and find fulfilment. One person expressed this in the following way.
“I enjoy the journey as much as reaching the goal. Every day that I get the chance to follow the principles is a win. It is a joy to be able to do what I believe in and work towards a compelling goal.”
Imagine that you want to follow elements of this approach. This involves taking the following steps.
You can start by
clarifying your principles
Different people will obviously focus on different principles. Here are some of the things that people mention when exploring these themes.
My Principles
I want to encourage people in my life and work … I want to continue to have a sense of gratitude … I want to care for my loved ones … I want to create enriching environments in which people grow.
I want to use my strengths to help people to succeed … I want to build pioneering things that show people a better way … I want to pass on knowledge that people can use to shape a positive future.
I want to make full use of the talents I have been given … I want to do my best during my time on the planet … I want to give people positive memories for life … I want to die feeling at peace.”
Imagine that you want to clarify your own principles. One approach is to start by brainstorming and then settling on, for example, the three principles you want to follow in your life. Here is the exercise on this theme.

You can clarify how you can follow
your principles in specific situations
Let’s assume that you have settled on the principles you want to follow. You may then aim to pursue these in different situations. Let’s look at some examples.
You may simply aim to follow one of your principles in your daily life. For example, you may want to encourage a loved one, friend or another person. You will then aim to translate this principle into action.
You may then aim to follow one or more of your principles in specific situations. You may want to do this when helping a colleague, working with a customer, managing a crisis or doing another activity.
Let’s explore how to follow this approach. Imagine that you will be going into a specific situation. You may start by clarifying the results that both you and the other parties – such as a person or group of people – want to achieve.
Looking ahead, you can rehearse how you follow your principles, focus on the results to achieve and manage any challenges. You can then go into the situation, be fully present and do your best to achieve the desired results.
You will, of course, prepare in your own way. If you wish, however, here is one framework you may want to follow.

One key point is worth bearing in mind. It can be find it useful to clarify your expectations and what you can and can’t expect to happen in the situation.
Sometimes there may be positive responses, sometimes there may be neutral or other responses. Bearing this in mind, it can be useful to consider the following things before going into a situation.
The positive things that could happen in the situation;
The neutral or other things that could happen in the situation.
Positive realists aim to do their best in a situation but they are also realistic. They then aim to build on the positive things and, where appropriate, manage any other issues.
You can keep returning to your centre
and refocusing on your principles
People often regain strength by returning to their centre and refocusing on the principles they want to follow in their lives. They then do the following things:
They start by clarifying how they can follow their principles in a particular situation and do their best to achieve the desired results;
They go into the situation, follow their principles and do their best to achieve the desired results;
They return to their centre and refocus on their principles. They then rehearse before into the next situation and doing the best to achieve the desired results.
You will do this in your own way. If appropriate, however, you may want to follow elements of the following approach.

People who follow their principles aim to translate these action. They may also sometimes move on to the next stage.
They Sometimes
Experience A Sense Of Peace
People who follow their principles are more likely to live in what the existentialists call good faith. Sometimes they may also experience a sense of peace.
Imagine that you are aiming to take this route. There may be both pluses and minuses involved in following your principles. These may include the following.
The Pluses Are:
You may find that the principles provide an internal compass you can keep returning to and also refer to when making decisions;
You may feel at ease following your principles and finding that these serve you well in many situations;
You may find following the principles produces tangible benefits – such as feeling you have done your best and also achieved success.
The Potential Minuses Are:
You may find that following the principles can mean making tough decisions and sometimes losing out on short-term benefits;
You may find other people criticise you or reject your efforts for following these principles;
You may sometimes fail to follow your principles and feel you have been untrue to yourself.
Some people are principles driven, some people are prize driven. Some people feel they get a prize each day by following their principles. They aim to do their best in life and encourage other people during their time on the planet.
There are many ways to live life. One approach is to continue to be positive and follow your principles. This can increase the chances of sometimes experiencing a sense of peace.
Imagine that you want to follow elements of this approach. How can you do this in your own way? If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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