The Positive Things In Life Approach

There are many ways to live life. One approach is to focus on the positive things in your personal life, professional life and across the planet. The latter includes focusing on possible positive solutions to problems.

This approach follows the old rule that ‘what we focus on we become’. If we focus on positive things we are more likely to feel positive. This can produce benefits for both ourselves and other people.

As mentioned above, the approach does not mean ignoring problems. But it does mean studying possible solutions to challenges. Let’s explore these themes.

Personal Life

What are the positive things in your personal life? Different people give different answers to this question. Here are some of the things that they may mention.

The Positive Things In My Personal Life Are:

Choosing to have a positive attitude … Being grateful … Doing the things I enjoy … Encouraging other people … Being with my loved ones … Walking with our dogs … Being healthy for my age … Living in our house.

Focusing on what I can control … Being creative … Studying success … Working in our garden … Singing in a choir … Enjoying watching some sports … Continuing to work towards my life goals.

Imagine you have listed the positive things in your personal life. How can you continue to focus on these? How could you maybe add more positive things? What may be the benefits – both for yourself and other people – of taking these steps?

If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

Professional Life

What are the positive things in your professional life? Here are some that people may mention.

The Positive Things In My Professional Life Are:

Doing work I love … Serving something greater than myself … Building on my strengths … Helping people to take care of their health … Helping people with PTSD … Using my hands to create beautiful things.

Being able to follow my professional principles … Working with certain kinds of customers … Continually learning and solving technical problems … Seeing positive results.

Imagine you have listed the positive things in your professional life. How can you continue to focus on these and maybe add to them? If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme.


What are the positive things you focus on across the planet? Looking around, who are the people who are encouraging others? Who are those doing positive work that helps people or the planet?

Different people do such work in different ways. They may aim to encourage people as parents, educators, medics, scientists, mediators, leaders or in other professional roles.

Some people do practical work that gives people hope. Some build successful prototypes that show a better way of living or working. Some pass on knowledge that encourages both present and future generations.

Some people who care about injustice may start out as protestors before moving on to become problem solvers. They may then focus on how they can become positive contributors and help to build a positive planet.

Imagine that you want to focus on: a) the positive things happening in the world: b) the possible positive solutions to problems. How can you do this in your own way? What may be the benefits taking these steps?

Different people follow this approach in different ways. One person expressed this in the following way.

“I love to study people who are doing good work because this give me energy. But I also like to know what is happening the world and this can lead to worry.

“Bearing this in mind, I try to manage my emotions in a positive way. I aim: a) to focus on what I can control in the situation; b) to go into a cocoon; c) to do creative work that may encourage other people.”

You will have your own approach to focusing on positive things and possible solutions across the planet. If you wish, try tackling the final exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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