This is an approach that some people follow after finishing a piece of work. They may also focus on revitalisation – rather than being full of regrets – when recovering from a setback.
Such people take time to rest, reflect on what they have learned and re-energise themselves. Looking to the future, they refocus and rehearse working towards their desired future results.
Such people then follow their ritual for moving into action. They follow their chosen rhythm, perform superb work and do their best to achieve the desired results.
Imagine that you want to follow elements of this approach in your own way. This can involve focusing on the following themes.
There are many ways to revitalise yourself after finishing a project, reaching a goal or recovering from a disappointment. One approach is to go through the following steps.
Sometimes it can be important to take time to rest your body and soul. Looking at your own life, how do you do this in physical way? How do you do it in a psychological way?
Some people sleep for many hours, take short naps or use other methods to restore their body. They then feel more equipped to let their mind wander and make sense of things that may have happened.
Some people do things they find restful. They spend time in certain environments, listen to music, potter around or do other things that soothe their soul.
Looking back, can you think of a time when you rested your body and soul? This could have been after achieving a success or experiencing a setback. What did you do then? What happened as a result of giving yourself time to rest?
Some people build in appropriate times to rest when doing a piece of work or tackling a challenge. Taking this step can also give them the opportunity to explore the next theme.
Great workers often take time to reflect. Looking back at an experience, they clarify their learning and how to use this knowledge in the future. One approach is to explore the following themes.

Imagine that you have done some rest and reflection. If appropriate, you may then want to focus on the next theme.
Different people revitalise themselves in different ways. Here are some of the things that people mention.
I revitalise myself by:
Listening to inspiring music … Walking in the fields with our dogs … Running … Spending time with positive people … Studying success … Making plans for the next day and then going to sleep – this often works.
Some individuals revitalise themselves by focusing on the following themes.
Their Purpose
They focus on their purpose – such as the specific things they want to do in their life and their picture of success.
Their Principles
They focus on the principles they want to follow when working towards their goals and picture of success.
Their Picture Of Success
They focus on the practical things they can do to follow their principles when working towards their goals and picture of success.
Imagine that you have found ways to revitalise yourself. If appropriate, you may then want to explore the next theme.
Great workers refocus on what they want to do next. Clarifying results they want to achieve, they rehearse following their chosen strategies towards achieving these aims. Let’s explore these themes.
Some people have a ritual they follow to refocus their attention on shaping the future. Bearing in mind what they want to do next, they ask the following questions.
The Results To Achieve
What do I want to do next? What is the challenge I want to tackle or the goal I want to achieve? What are the real results I want to achieve? What is the picture of success?
What are the key strategies I can follow to give myself the greatest chance of success? How can I anticipate and manage any challenges? What else can I do to increase the chances of achieving success?
Imagine that you have settled on the results to achieve and your chosen route forwards. It can then be useful to take the next step.
Great workers often rehearse following their chosen strategy. Different people do this in different ways. Here is one approach that you may wish to consider.

Let’s assume that you have followed this approach in your own way. It may then be time to move on to the next theme.
You will then aim to deliver the goods. When appropriate, you may follow your ritual for moving into action. You may then take the following steps.
Great workers often follow their chosen rhythm when doing a piece of work or a longer-term project. One approach to organise their time in blocks. This increases the chances of them being able to do deep work.
They then refocus, rehearse what they are going to do and aim to get some short-term results. They can keep following their rhythm and do their best to deliver the longer-term desired results.

Reading Reality
Great workers continue to follow their chosen strategies but they are also good at reading reality. Bearing in mind the results they aim to achieve, they keep focusing on the following themes.
What Is Going Well
The specific things that are going well – and
how I can continue to build on these – are:
What Can Be Better
The specific things that I can
do better – and how – are:
They keep focusing on continuous improvement. They take these steps and then move on to the final theme.
Great workers keep performing superb work and find solutions to challenges. They then do their best to achieve their aims. Some do this by following their successful pattern for finishing.
Imagine that you want to follow this approach in your own way. Looking back on your life, can you think something you have finished in a positive way? What did you do right to finish this successfully?
What were the principles you followed? How did you translate these into action? How can you follow some of these principles – plus maybe add other skills – to finish things successfully in the future?
Imagine that you are nearing the end of doing a piece of work. This could be a short piece or a piece of work on the way towards achieving a longer-term goal.
One approach is to rest – if only for a short time – and revitalise yourself. It is then to refocus, rehearse and then do your best to deliver the desired results.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Looking ahead, can you think of a situation where you may want to follow elements of the revitalisation approach? How can you do this in your own way?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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