There are many ways to do fine work. One approach is for a person to choose to go into role. They may then follow certain rules – guidelines – that they believe are likely to produce positive results. This can bring rewards for both other people and for themselves.
Different people choose to go into different roles. A person may aim to do their best when acting as a carer, educator, doctor or coach. They may aim to do so when working as a singer, leader, trusted advisor or in another role.
Some individuals find this approach to be liberating. They move into a role where they feel comfortable and can follow certain rules to get certain results.
People who go into role sometimes need to practise self-care. This is because there are both pluses and minuses involved when, for example, helping other people.
The pluses of going into role
may provide the opportunity:
To have sense of purpose; to follow certain principles; to help other people; to pass on knowledge; to put aside any of their personal troubles; to be rewarding; to get positive results.
The potential minuses of
going into role may be:
To find it tiring; to be reactive; to sometimes feel out of control; to put aside their own agenda; to not be appreciated; to take its toll if a person does not take care of themselves.
People can thrive, however, if they learn how to build on the pluses and minimise the minuses. They can then find it rewarding to sometimes go into role and deliver certain results.
Looking at your own life, can you think of a situation when found it satisfying to take this step? You may have chosen to go into the role of counsellor, actor, chef, coach, mediator, crisis manager, leader or another role.
What were the results you aimed to achieve by going into the role? You may have aimed to help another person or a group of people. What happened as a result? What were the benefits for other people and yourself?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to do the following things.
Describe the specific role you went into in the past.
Describe the specific things you did to go into this role and do your best to get certain results.
Describe the specific things that happened as a result of going into this role.

Introverts and extroverts can
go into role and do rewarding work
Each person is a mixture of introvert and extrovert. Everybody has a preferred way of behaving, however, which means they may feel more comfortable when mainly operating as an introvert or extrovert.
Introverts enjoy their own company but sometimes they also enjoy going into professional role. They may be quiet at home but then take charge when moving into the role of nurse, doctor, facilitator or another professional role.
Such a person can feel comfortable because they can go into role and follow certain rules to get certain results. They have clear guidelines and maybe a clear script to follow.
People who go into role often forget their own concerns. They focus on the job to be done and channel their energies into achieving the goal. As mentioned earlier, going into role offers a person the opportunity:
To pursue a clear sense of purpose;
To follow principles that enable them to channel their personality towards achieving the purpose;
To follow a script that they can adapt in their own way to achieve the purpose.
Introverts like to prepare properly. They do the mental rehearsal and then go into a certain mode to do marvellous work. They don’t necessarily like surprises or being thrown off-track.
As the years go by, however, they learn how to buy time when faced by unexpected events. They take time to think, consider their options and then pursue the path most likely to achieve success.
Extroverts may choose to channel their personalities by going into certain roles. They may play to their strengths by acting as a host, sales person, keynote speaker or in another role.
Extroverts can sometimes go into other roles when they need to be low key and support people. Some can be excellent counsellors, for example, providing they know the rules to follow. They may do good work for a while, but then may feel more comfortable returning to another role.
Some people consciously move between the roles of being an introvert and extrovert. A singer-songwriter I interviewed, for example, enjoyed spending time alone writing and creating.
Walking on stage, however, he transformed into playing the role of being a great performer. After the show he would love to get back home, reflect and then work on composing his future songs.
Great leaders sometimes follow a similar pattern. They like to reflect, make decisions and plan the future strategy. They also mentally rehearse how they will act in certain situations and the key messages they want to give people.
Such leaders click into action when meeting colleagues or customers. Recognising they are on stage, they aim to make others feel the centre of the world. They then focus on how to encourage and enable people to achieve success.
Being Real In Role
Some people may think that going into role is not authentic, but individuals can actually be real in role. This is because they sometimes go through certain stages during their professional careers.
A person may begin by being real and passionate. They may then become wrapped up in playing a role. As they get older, they often learn how to be real in their professional role. Let’s explore these steps towards being real in role.

Being Real
People often show passion when starting out on their chosen road. They are real, raw and may be seen as a rough diamond. Throwing themselves into their work, they sometimes make mistakes but this is part of the adventure. Their spark transmits energy and fire.
Singer-songwriters, for example, sometimes produce great work early in their careers. Belying their youth, they write songs that convey knowledge beyond their years.
The same happens in other fields. Stoked by idealism, people look forward to going to work each day. They are enthusiastic and sometimes express profound insights.
Being In Role
People may climb the career ladder and, at a certain point, feel they have to be more conservative to play the role. Certainly they must be professional.
We quite like people to go into professional role as pilots, nurses and others upon whom we rely. It is good if they provide predictability and deliver positive results.
But sometimes people bury their personalities and lose their humanity. This may manifest itself by losing touch with customers, talking in long theoretical terms, making things complicated or whatever.
Being Real In Role
Confident in their professional ability, some people are real yet also able to fulfil their role. Great leaders, for example, sometimes show the human touch. They feel able to be themselves and, far from diminishing their authority, this increases their credibility.
People who are real in role are often personable, professional and peak performers. They come across as real human beings. At the same time, they also do everything possible to prepare properly and fulfil their professional obligations.
Such people do work they feel passionately about. They perform superbly, deliver the desired results and add that touch of class. Sometimes they create an enduring legacy by passing on knowledge and also acting as positive models for other people.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Looking ahead, can you think of a situation where you may want to go into role? You may wish to do this when acting as a carer, educator, leader or in another professional role.
What may be the results you want to deliver in that role? How can you do your best to achieve these goals? What may happen as a result of you performing this role superbly? What may be the benefits for you and other people?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to do the following things.
Describe the specific role you may want to go into in the future.
Describe the specific things you can do to go into this role and do your best to get certain results.
Describe the specific things that may happen as a result.

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