The Setting Your Own Course Approach

Some people aim to set their own course in life. Some feel forced to follow a certain specified course. Some set their own course but may sometimes choose to follow a specified course to achieve a goal.

Different people follow these paths in different ways. The route they take can have consequences, however, for both themselves and other people. One parent described their approach in the following way.

“Our daughter likes reading and is good at writing, but we believe it is important for her to focus on her weaknesses. She is not interested in maths, for example, or the sciences.

“We know what our daughter is good at but think she should concentrate on the other subjects. This will help her to learn to cope with difficult things. We think she will thank us for this later in life.”

There are, of course, pluses and minuses to each of these approaches. Let’s explore the different routes that people can follow.

Some People Set Their Own Course

People who take this approach like to feel in control. They often have a pattern of following their intrinsic motivation – motivation that comes from within – rather than just extrinsic motivation.

Some people learn to follow this approach early in life. They may have parents and teachers who encourage them to do what they love – providing they do not hurt other people.

Such people may then aim to build on their strengths, set specific goals and do satisfying work. Taking this route will also involve finding solutions to challenges and setbacks on the way towards achieving success.

Here is a summary of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. This can be found on the Newman Tuition website.

Some people object to following the intrinsic motivation approach. As mentioned earlier, a parent may be concerned that somebody following this route may not develop the ability to deal with setbacks. There is an answer to such a view. This is:

“Don’t worry. A person who aims to build on their strengths and do satisfying work will meet many challenges in life. They will need to learn how to manage difficulties on the way to achieving success.”

People who follow the intrinsic approach may also need to learn how to do this in a way that is helps people rather than hurts people. They can then use their talents in a generous way rather than a greedy way.

Daniel Pink highlighted the theme of intrinsic motivation in his book Drive. Here is an introduction to his findings regarding what motivates people to do good work.

Daniel’s book shows how we can enable people to take charge of their working lives and deliver the goods. Here are some quotes from the book.

“Human beings have an innate inner drive to be autonomous, self-determined, and connected to one another. And when that drive is liberated, people achieve more and live richer lives.”

“The science shows that the secret to high performance isn’t our biological drive or our reward-and-punishment drive, but our third drive – our deep-seated desire to direct our own lives, to extend and expand our abilities, and to live a life of purpose.”

Many people want to set the course for their lives and work. Some people may follow another approach.

Some People Feel Forced To
Follow A Certain Specified Course

Some people feel forced to follow a certain course in their lives or work. Some learn this early in the family or school. They may then continue on this path for much of their lives.

At its most extreme, some may feel obligated to follow a strict religion, cult or way of living. Other people may feel forced:

To study a subject even though they cannot see the point of it;

To play a musical instrument even though they do not enjoy doing it;

To toughen themselves up by joining a boot camp or army corps;

To do a degree that they are told will help their career even if they have no enthusiasm for the subject;

To put in long days doing a job they do not like in order climb the corporate ladder.

People who feel forced to follow a certain specified course may achieve extrinsic rewards. They may or may not get more pay, gain promotion or win prizes.

They may also find that this creates collateral damage for themselves, their close relationships or other people. They may then focus on the next rung on the ladder, however, and force themselves to work towards the next prize.

Some People Set Their Own Course
But May Sometimes Choose To
Follow A Certain Specified Course

People who follow this approach aim to set their own course in life. They also sometimes choose to opt-in and follow a certain specified course, however, to help them to achieve their aims.

This is a route I have taken at certain points in my life. I loved reading, for example, but did not pass the Eleven Plus exam. This meant I went on to a secondary modern school and left when I was fifteen to work in a factory.  

During my teenage years I followed the habit of choosing which books I wanted to read. These included all the Sherlock Holmes stories, the writings George Orwell plus many books on various subjects.

During my early twenties I managed to get a job working in therapeutic communities. This also called for reading certain books – and doing certain things – to gain professional qualifications.

I was not used to reading assigned books and repeating information. But it was something I chose to do, however, in order to take more responsible roles in my work.

Many people take such an approach at various times in their lives. They start by considering the pluses and minuses involved. They may then choose to follow a specified course in order to work towards their picture of success.

Let’s return to your own life and work. Looking ahead, can you think of a situation where you want to set your own course? This could be in your personal or professional life.

What may be the specific situation? What can you do then to set your own course? How can you translate this approach into action? What may happen as a result of taking these steps?

If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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