There are many ways to do fine work. This piece explores how shapers aim to stay ahead of the game and deliver success. They then aim to repeat the process to continue to do fine work.
Imagine you want to follow elements of this approach. Let’s consider how you can do this in your own way.
Many people love to feel in control. They often like to look ahead, be proactive and shape things in their lives and work. They may do this when making decisions, doing projects or working towards their goals.
What are the specific activities where you like to shape things? Here are some of the answers that people give when exploring this theme.
I like to look ahead and
shape things when I am:
Taking care of my health … Focusing on my area of expertise … Anticipating trends in the market … Leading my team … Helping my customers to succeed … Developing my ability to achieve peak performance.
Imagine that you have focused on a specific activity where you like to shape things. It can then be time to explore the next stage.
Staying Ahead
Of The Game
Shapers aim to stay ahead of the game in their chosen field. Different people do this in different ways. Some take the following steps.
Continuing To Be Proactive
Great workers aim to stay on the front foot. They aim to make things happen rather than just let things happen. This calls for being proactive, looking ahead and planning how to increase the chances of success.
Continuing To Anticipate And Plan
How To Manage Future Events
Such workers focus on their chosen activity. They then look ahead to anticipate potential events and challenges. This involves exploring the following themes.
What may happen in my chosen field in the future? What may be the likely innovations? What may be the potential challenges? How can I use my strengths to manage these innovations and challenges successfully?
Continuing To Do Pacesetting Work
Shapers aim to do pacesetting work. They often have a different kind of psychology. They aim to take the lead, maintain the lead and extend the lead. They make the new rules for the game.
Such people may introduce a new paradigm – a new way of looking at the world – that can bring success. They also show how taking this approach can be practical and, in the broadest sense of the word, profitable.
Imagine that you have followed some of these steps in your own way. It may then be time to focus on the next stage.
Great workers aim to deliver the goods in their chosen field. This involves being able to manage today’s business whilst also shaping tomorrow’s businesses. Different people do this in different ways. Some do it by focusing on the following framework.
Shaping – The specific things I can do to
continue to shape things in my chosen field are:
Staying Ahead Of The Game – The specific things I can
do to stay ahead of the game in my chosen field are:
Success – The specific things I can therefore do to
continue to deliver success in my chosen field are:
Shapers focus on the strategies they can follow to deliver the goods both today and tomorrow. They then do their best to shape a positive future and achieve ongoing success.
Let’s return to your own work. Imagine that you want to follow elements of this approach in the activity where you excel. How can you follow it in your own way to stay ahead of the game?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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