There are many ways to use anger. Some people use it as an asset to achieve things. They choose to use the anger rather than let the anger use them.
Different people get angry about different things. Some get angry because they have been hurt. Some because they have been devalued, disrespected or dismissed.
Some get angry because others are trying to control them. They may immediately fight to protect themselves. Some may do positive or negative things in order to retake control of their lives.
Some people get angry about events in the world. They may feel upset about bullying, injustice or other behaviour that goes against their own values.
Looking back, can you think of a situation when you followed elements of the using anger approach to do something positive? This could have been in your personal or professional life.
What did you do then to use the anger as an asset? How did you aim to channel in a positive way? What happened as a result of taking these steps?
Anger can be a complicated feeling. Sometimes it can be a mixture of pain and sorrow. Sometimes it can involve a sense of loss about what might have been.
Sometimes anger can involve the desire to take revenge and hurt other people. Taking this approach may result in a feeling of getting even. But it can also lead to a downward spiral that continues to cause pain.
Some people choose to stay angry or resentful. Some use the anger as an asset – a motivation – to achieve something. Some choose to do this in a positive way.
There are many stories about people who have used their anger about rejection. They have channelled this emotion to do superb work as artists, athletes, business people and in other fields.
Some people who are upset about cruelty aim to demonstrate caring in their own lives and work. Some who are upset about injustice aim to do something practical to help people and build a better world.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Can you think of a specific situation where you may want to follow elements of this approach? How could you use the anger as an asset and achieve things?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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